Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Raspberry Pi

Raspbian missing menu bar

Sometime you miss the configuration of panel and hence the raspbian menu bar is missing. you just need to delete the current user lxpanel config file and restart the raspbian.

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Raspberry Pi

How to configure Static IP address for Raspberry Pi

Whenever you remote the Raspberry Pi using your network the router assigns random IP address, this may become difficult to access your Raspberry Pi. So to overcome this we need to configure the Raspberry Pi to static ip address.

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Python Raspberry Pi

Installation PyQt5 and Qt-Creator on Raspbian

Install Python on linux is very straightforward as package for PyQt5 are available in the repositories of most distributions. In raspbian you can install either from the command line or via “add/remove software”. the packages you are looking for are named python3-pyqt5 depending on which version you are installing for.

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Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi dan Installasi OS Raspbian

Raspberry Pi adalah single board computer yang seukuran kartu ID ataupun kartu ATM dan masuk sebagai jajaran dari microcontroller karena Raspberry Pi sudah dilengkapi dengan pin Input Output. Selain itu Raspberry Pi juga dilengkapi processor, RAM dan port harware layaknya komputer pada umumnya sehingga Raspberry Pi juga dapat berfungsi sebagai komputer tetapi karena ukurannya yang […]

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