How to remove Instances of SQL Server

Sometimes you need to remove instance, maybe you have two or more instances on Computer, so you need remove one.

to remove instance from your Windows, please follow this steps:

  1. Open Control panel, and open Programs and Features.
  2. find your SQL server and try to uninstall it.
Picture 1. Program and Features

3. Choose remove on pop up SQL Server dialog.

Picture 2. SQL Server dialog

4. Then Remove SQL Server window will pop up. On my machine, there are 3 instances, choose one which to be deleted on drop button. And click next.

Picture 3. Remove SQL Server 2017 – Select Instance

5. Choose features wants to be deleted, by check the feature.

Picture 4. Remove SQL Server 2017 – Select Features

6. then click next / remove if ready to remove. and wait remove progress finish.

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